IKEA - Common Module
In the search of inspiration for the current case scenario few mega trends were observed, one of which happened to be the longer life expectancy trend.
Later analyses on the same trend resulted in digging into the core of it – what causes the
longer life expectancy and what are the consequences. Briefly one of the reasons was that people
start creating their families at a further age, causing different family planning than just 10 years
earlier (having children later, having less children and etc.). This triggered curiosity on the question “why do women decide to have children that late all of a sudden?” . According to number of articles and personal confessions of women aged 20-34 there is a different mindset inspiring women nowadays – focusing on their-self 1st and then creating a family if desired. This appeared to be curios and challenging yet this can’t be another “independent women” report, right?
Further on the researched leaned towards different types of trends that are close to the
self-focusing tendency, particularly the trends of WellNess and Peace of mind and the inner self.
This time the research was linked to a set target group of the same age, progressive women with
careers, studies, maybe families, but most importantly – fitting the IKEA target group range. In
order to build a problem scenario the new trends have been researched to, once again, find the
core of the tendencies. Several articles came up stating that Denmark isn’t quite the happiest country, as levels of stress and anxiety are rapidly rising and have even tripled in just the last 3 years.
This connected with the one of the mission IKEA holds – to create comfort for the many people.
Furthermore another connection popped-up – one of the main reasons for stress increase is the
complexity of fitting family within the busy schedule already filled up with house chores, studies and
work appointments. Therefor the picture of single mothers or mothers in general seems to be as
much stressful as possible, as society has put the role of a house keeper to women. Now women
have the expectations to be the best mothers possible alongside being good career builders. Since
the target group of Ikea is based on families it is important to find out why do women put aside the
family aspect of their life or neglect it, compromising having smaller families.
Furniture Designer
Pattern Designer
Group Management & Observation Chiefs
Femme Maria Jansen Holleboom
Maria Vasilica Albu